Kyle Carrington

Gay porn star, Kyle Carrington
aka: Kyle Carringston


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7 Responses

  1. michael fox

    Did he kill himself in 1989 or 1997? I still haven’t seen his memorial / he was buried or cremated or his family name and everything / just a video and a tribute to his death

  2. Harold ford

    I saw a tribute to him on youtube on steve fox’s channel he was a very handsome guy it’s to fall in love with kyle it’s a shame he’s gone too soon

  3. DeAngelo

    He was a handsome guy loved the movies I saw him in. So sorry about his death.

  4. juniors

    he gave up the business to be porn actor. richard morgan paid little .. and in this he went out and live in Hawaii. 1986. Longer want vousse. he discovered both had AIDS. then either. 80 and 90 in the AIDS epidemic. was killed. and many gay porn actors straight and was dying. and 23 OCTOBER 1997 steve fox comment suicide at age 30 and havai 17setembro 1997 kyle carrington discovers or has AIDS also commits suicide at age 35 and scott avery dark paks were saddened by the death of Kyle Carrington. most beautiful young man lost his life in the hands of satanic pornography. some 19 years without kyle carrington’m a big fan of him. and rest in peace forever.

  5. g.t.a alex jonas

    he suicide at age 35 in the sea in honolulu hawaii. the most beautiful place to live if you kill him there. this is rare and was envisioned by either kill it .. I liked it or not he believed in God had no love life …..

  6. anthony. cluise

    When AIDS was identified in 1981 the health authorities reckoned 5 to 10 percent died, and Kyle carrinton ex porn star, discovered he had HIV 1989. That sad moment he committed suicide at 36. Indices of deaths in the porn industry were many deaths from suicide, AIDS and drug overdose …

  7. edward the puma junior

    kyle carrington he made 3 movies and popular mechanic tough competition and all american .. kyle carrington way muscoloso surfer and one very cute face with smiling sun. I read a magazine vintage classic porn star. kyle carrington want to leave porn and went live in hawaii 1987. after he suicide in the sea in honolulu hawaii. 1989. at age 36. .. Guess he could not live with himself …

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